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Politics, Cameron, Lansley, Miliband, Clegg and the NHS

Politics and the stupidity of the Human Rights Act
Politics, Labour Strategy and the way back!

Politics, David Cameron, Andrew Lansley, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg, they are all leading characters in the NHS farce showing at the Parliament Theatre.

So let’s get on with putting some sense into the proceedings and really dig out the politics and the truth, who really is battling to save and develop the NHS into the world-class organisation it really should be, the NHS must end up as THE world leader in health care and the envy of the world.

Lets take these characters in reverse order:

Nick Clegg

Nick Clegg

Please, do not let Nick Clegg fool you, Clegg’s rhetoric on the NHS has nothing to do with improving or saving the NHS, it is purely to do with saving his own and his parties skin! Nick Clegg was fully on board with the NHS reforms, agreed every line and signed off the document which went through parliament with full Lib Dem support, the only reason Nick Clegg is trying to scupper the reforms is because he thinks he can save himself and his party.

the NHS must end up as THE world leader in health care and the envy of the world.

But of course in his panic Clegg has miss-read the last election results, the reason the Lib Dem’s did so badly is nothing to do with the NHS reforms but with the Lib Dem’s betrayal of their supporters, although the Lib Dem’s did badly at the 2010 general election they did pick up a lot of protest votes from normally Labour supporters and this is understandable being a far left party but having joined up in coalition they have chosen to support a centre right party so it was inevitable that their left-wing supporters would jump ship. All Clegg and the Lib Dem’s had to do was hold their collective nerve but they have shown their true colours as the purveyor of power-hungry opportunist politics with no principle or loyalty, the Lib Dem’s have missed their chance of credibility which would have stood them well at the 2015 general election.

Ed Miliband

The Labour Party, as is obvious to every one, is in denial because obviously the deficit they left was nothing to do with them it was those nasty bankers, they are just poor miss-understood children or that is what they would have us believe!

they have shown their true colours as the purveyor of power-hungry opportunist politics with no principle or loyalty

The Labour Party are out of power because they abused their power, showed total contempt for parliament and democracy, exercised greed beyond belief and left the country close to bankrupcy, they did pour

Politics and the stupidity of the Human Rights Act
Politics, Labour Strategy and the way back!
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Personal development - Politics, Cameron, Lansley, Miliband, Clegg Plus The NHS
12/20/2011 12:51 am

[…] Politics, Cameron, Lansley, Miliband, Clegg Plus The NHS « Politics And Twitter, Many RUBBISH About AV! […]


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