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Religion, Freedom and the threat from the UN, USA and EU!

Politics must have of Common Sense you see!
Politics, the Olympic Opening Ceremony, was it about Politics?

Religion and the wars past and present still being fought in the name of religion but every religion has to be able to stand up to debate and scrutiny, if a religion can’t stand criticism then it is nothing!

Taking what I have stated above, in December 2011 the United States hosted what is known as the “Istanbul Process Conference” in Washington DC, this conference is explicitly committed to a global ban on any verbal or written criticism of any aspect of Islam Sharia – even if it is an honest assessment, this is an insult to Islam because it is a strong religion which can stand up to debate but is being hijacked by the radicals and an insult to our hard-fought for freedoms!

A global ban on any verbal or written criticism of any aspect of Islam Sharia – even if it is an honest assessment, how else will the radicals be able to cram Sharia down the throats of unsuspecting Westerners?

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This move is spearheaded by the “Organisation of Islamic Cooperation” (OIC), an organisation of 57 muslim countries who managed to get Resolution 16/18  adopted at the “Human Rights Commission” (HRC) in Geneva on March 2011 and it was quietly approved by the 193 member UN General Assembly on December 19th 2011, however it needs strong Western support to be effective.

Now you may think, why should I be worried, it will never get Western support but just think about the way our politicians seem to go with the flow, we don’t have politicians of principle or vision anymore, they have no real beliefs, think about the way the UK is being drawn into the European Union even with 85% public opposition with only UKIP representing the views of the British electorate.

Think about the 70+ Sharia Courts already established in the UK with no move by the UK government to close them down, they are illegal and an affront to our democracy, we are still allowing forced marriage, violence towards children in Radical Muslim families and it was reported, although I can’t confirm it, that if a family arrives here with 2/3 wives we support all the wives through state benefits, now tell me you shouldn’t be worried.

This is an insult to Islam because it is a strong religion which can stand up to debate but is being hijacked by the radicals and an insult to our hard-fought for freedoms!

There is nothing wrong with Islam as a religion, we must respect it and as the most religiously tolerant nation in the world we do, Muslims can follow their religion just as freely as Christians but the UK is and will remain a Christian country, we have our laws which everyone who comes to live here must respect and adhere to, our own institutions, traditions and our history which in some senses embodies the history of the world.

The government must move to close down any courts other than the courts of the land, so the 70 odd Sharia Courts must go, it a responsibility of all people living/coming to live in the UK to learn the language and integrate into British life, the community, traditions and yes history of which we should be very proud because we assume people come to live in the UK because they like our way of life and standards, if anyone wants to live under Sharia Law then can I suggest Saudi Arabia or Iran but not the UK.

All people living in the UK of what ever Religion, Creed, must be under the one law, UK Law and that includes travellers, everybody, provided everyone integrates into our culture, heritage, way of life, we are patient so long as we can see the effort, everyone will be welcomed subject to normal immigration quotas but if you just want to create a Muslim enclave within the UK then you will always be outsiders and maybe better moving on.

THe UK, USA and the European Union must ensure the Resolution 16/18 never gets the Western support it needs to be effective otherwise our basic Freedoms including most importantly Freedom of Speech will start to be eroded, we have to be vigilant. 

Further reading

Associated Post, easy reading! 

U.S., E.U. Spearhead Islamic Bid To Criminalize Free Speech

Criticizing Religion (Read: Islam) May Become a US Criminal Offense

Organization of the Islamic Conference” and the push from the Left to  criminalize criticism of Islam worldwide

Criticism of Islam Could Soon be a Crime in America

Sharia Law USA: Efforts To Criminalize Speech Critical of Islam Now Underway

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Politics must have of Common Sense you see!
Politics, the Olympic Opening Ceremony, was it about Politics?
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