Press Regulation, there we have it, the courts have sided with the government on the subject of Press Regulation which is not surprising considering the actions and decisions of some of the current crop of judges.
Putting Press Regulation in the hands of politicians is yet another nail in the coffin of our Democracy and Freedom and there are far too many nails in that particular coffin!
We used to have freedom of speech but not anymore, everyone has to be so careful for fear of upsetting this or that minority group, the old saying ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me’ is no more!
Tony Blair and his New Labour government introduced the surveillance society with 100s of thousands of cameras being commissioned, it is not a healthy environment where the actual people being discriminated against are the majority population, a Christian country in law where the only religion which is not protected, in practice, is Christianity.Â
 And now our free press is to come under political control, we must never allow a free press, which can and should be at times uncomfortable for the politicians, to be controlled by our politicians, yes I know that Press Regulation will be protected by Royal Charter and that it can only be altered with a 2/3rds majority in parliament but that bit of legislation itself can be overturned by a simple majority.
The press industry have come up with their own Press Regulation which includes practically all the requirements of the government Royal Charter but without the political overview and it is their own Press Regulation procedures that all the press MUST sign up to.
We have to remember that the people behind the government proposed Royal Charter are not all believers in real democracy, Hacked Off, just why are Hacked Off formulating government policy when they have no mandate and are just a protection body for celebrities with a friendly front end of ordinary very vulnerable people about which they care little other than for their own vanity!
Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband believe fervently in a free press so long as it is supporting them and David Cameron is hanging in there just in the hope of having enough influence to protect what will be left of a free press, he knows he can be out voted in parliament and what goes through will be difficult for him to change without a massive majority.
But do we actually need more Press Regulation, yes but it must be the Press Industries version to ensure it is free from political interference and it should be remembered that every transgression by the press industry has been dealt with in severe terms under current law and one major newspaper has been forced to close. All the editors and journalists who transgressed have or are being tried in a court of law and a guilty verdict will likely lead to and has led to a custodial sentence so the end punishments are there and exist within current legislation, all we really need is a beefed up complaints procedure particularly to protect the ordinary people.
We urge the whole press industry to show solidarity and ALL sign up to their own Press Regulation Charter and when it comes to the next general election those same newspapers would do well to support parties who will ensure press freedom.  Â
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Further reading for your information
Court Rebuffs UK Press Bid to Stop Regulation – ABC News
UK press regulation: papers get last-ditch chance to prevent royal charter – The Guardian
Politicians face deep freeze over press regulation – The Guardian
Maria Miller sides with newspapers on press regulation – Financial Times