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Politics and the Tory Conference but will we see a Tory Party?

Politics, Liam Fox and the Dagger of Politics!
European Union - William Hague is WRONG on the European Union!

The dust has settled on the Conservative Party Conference and of the 3 the Conservative conference was the most professional with a dynamism that was not expected and a can do constructive feel to it!

Certainly, looking back to the Labour Conference, it was very Student Union Politics with the usual amount of envy politics but with very few practical idea’s other than their continuous obsession with social engineering and greed which in the end nearly bankrupt our country, the legacy of failure of the last Labour administration is something we will have to endure for generations!

The Lib Dem Conference was one of the worst conferences I have ever witnessed, they call the Conservative the nasty party when in fact it was and is, without question, the most compassionate of the parties, the nasty image was fostered by the Labour Party for years and taken up by the press as good copy but the Lib Dem’s have earned the title of THE NASTY PARTY of politics all on their own, they did not need any help because it comes naturally!

Further reading

the Lib Dem’s have earned the title of THE NASTY PARTY of politics all on their own, they did not need any help because it came naturally!

David Cameron

The Lib Dem’s are colleagues in government with the Conservative Party but you would never believe it, cabinet minister after cabinet minister piled ridicule, bile, envy and hate on their Conservative colleagues with barely a constructive comment during the whole conference, how their Conservative colleagues can ever trust them again is difficult to imagine, the Lib Dem’s push for coalition government but they have no concept of the collective responsibility and loyalty involved.

Apart from the ridiculous Ken Clark who should simply be sacked, the Conservative Conference was a professional operation which respected that we had a coalition with all the responsibilities involved, not once was a Lib Dem colleague criticised and any mention of the Lib Dem’s was positive, underneath they must be seething!

The Lib Dem’s push for coalition government but they have no concept of the collective responsibility and loyalty involved.

I am not going to describe events in detail, all the conferences were well reported but there are some very good links under Further reading which are worth following but let us have your views, comment and join the debate!

Further reading

Cameron under pressure on the economy

Home Secretary supports the scrapping of the Human Rights Act

Cameron returns to boost right-to-buy scheme

It is about time this one was put out to pasture, should have happened years ago

Why the world envies George Osborne

Politics, Liam Fox and the Dagger of Politics!
European Union - William Hague is WRONG on the European Union!
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Personal development - Politics And The Tory Forum Yet Will We See A Tory Party?
12/11/2011 3:47 pm

[…] Politics And The Tory Forum Yet Will We See A Tory Party? « European Union, The Disposition Regarding The BBC And The Flouting Of Democracy! […]


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