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Politics and the Politics of Political Correctness v Jeremy Clarkson

Coloured, yes, Alan Hansen apologises for his use of the word coloured!
Speed Limit to be raised, now wait for the politics

So Jeremy Clarkson, likes to delve into politics and never the politically correct one, does it again by suggesting the strikers should be taken out and shot, he achieved a massive 21,000 complaints

Well done Jeremy because anyone with a brain cell and a sense of humour would have taken his comments as they were intended, a humorous spoof comment on current politics, it should also be remembered that 21,000 complaints is only 1.05% of the people supposedly on strike and a minimal proportion of the actual viewers watching the ONE Show!

Jeremy Clarkson

Of course what happens is that a small number of complaints followed by Union complaints forces the politicians to issue a statement condemning the humour and our politically correct round-a-bout continues unchecked, I thank god for Jeremy Clarkson. Further reading

Well done Jeremy because anyone with a brain cell and a sense of humour would have taken his comments as they were intended, a humorous spoof comment on current politics

We should also remember that politics in this country is now dominated by a very small cliché of politically correct, do-gooder, social engineering, left-wing anarchists with chips on their shoulders the size of a Canadian Redwood.

At the worst, for people with a humour bypass, Clarkson’s comments were a little insensitive but we have really got to relax stop taking ourselves too seriously, we are far too precious for our own good, if you can’t take a joke and laugh at yourself then you must lead a sad life, banter is good for the soul, learn to give as good as you take it really is fun!

Remember that politics in this country is now dominated by a very small cliché of politically correct, do-gooder, social engineering, left-wing anarchists with chips on their shoulders the size of a Canadian Redwood.

To liberate our country we must go further down the Jeremy Clarkson path, Harriet Harman’s equality laws must be scrapped along with the repeal of the intrusive European Union employment laws, this is essential to get our country moving again followed, in true Clarkson style, by a 25% reduction in fuel duty which would actually be self financing!

But please, have your say, agree or not just join the debate.

Further reading

Jeremy Clarkson says shoot the strikers!

Coloured, yes, Alan Hansen apologises for his use of the word coloured!
Speed Limit to be raised, now wait for the politics
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