Politics currently and the make up of the coalition is indicative of the fact that coalitions do not serve democracy well because the smallest party actually ends up as the power broker within the world of no accountability politics.
Politics in this country and the current make up of the coalition, the largest party is a Right of Centre Conservative Party able to give exactly what the country desperately to stimulate the economy and the minor Lib Dem party which is actually left of the Labour Party which believes in spending more, more bureaucracy and an anti-democratic, non accountable form of government – as in all coalitions the smaller Lib Dem tail is certainly wagging the dog!
At a time when the country and the economy is going through a very difficult period, and a time when Nick Clegg say’s no-one is interested in House of Lords Reform, what are the Lib Dem’s pushing – House of Lords reform, Clegg says that this is because it is undemocratic to have a body responsible for producing legislation which is unelected and that is 100% correct but the House of Lords does not draft legislation, it is a revising chamber which ensures legislation is drafted correctly and it is currently doing an excellent job evidenced by the NHS Reform Bill. Further reading
The country achieves this excellent performance by bringing into our every day politics really successful people who have the experience and knowledge to contribute to, what is, the finest debating chamber in the world, these people would never normally get involved in national politics, they have no interest in the intrusion into their life which comes with elected politics but are essential to the efficient running of the country.
The Lib Dem party which is actually left of the Labour Party which believes in spending more, more bureaucracy and an anti-democratic, non accountable form of government – as in all coalitions the smaller Lib Dem tail is certainly wagging the dog!
It should also be remembered that in America the entire cabinet is mostly made up of unelected people because the President is able to choose the best brains to forge policy, the House of Lords allows us to do a similar thing whilst still maintaining the Sovereignty of Parliament which, I think, makes it much more democratic than the American system and is essential to our politics and democracy.
Not only do the Lib Dem’s want to destroy a vital part of our democracy but the elected member will be there for FIFTEEN YEARS, elected by Proportional Representation which is in itself anti-democracy and the cost of running the House of Lords will rise from nominally