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The Politics of Ed Balls, its nothing to do with ME!

The Politics in Scotland are different, there lies the danger!
The Politics of David Cameron

The politics of Ed Balls who thinks the deficit has been overplayed, there really is no such problem and the cuts are far too deep!

The politics of Ed Balls who thinks the deficit has been overplayed, there really is no such problem and the cuts are far too deep but what everyone has to understand is that for the current government to get re-elected the deficit must be cleared well before the next election to allow prosperity to be recognised. So it is Ed Balls job to sabotage and try to slow down the cuts because if he can’t then he can forget about winning the next election, don’t forget though that for the Labour Party to win the next election would be disaster for our country!

I also see that Ed Miliband has urged his party to support the AV form of Proportional Representation, this is just because he knows it will guaranty the next General Election will be a coalition and he will do a deal with the Lib Dem’s to form the most left-wing government this country has ever had and, because of Proportional Representation, it will never have to keep any promises and Union Power will be back with avengeance.

Just like the Labour Party PR will destroy democracy in this country, do not be fooled.

The Politics in Scotland are different, there lies the danger!
The Politics of David Cameron
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