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Politics of David Cameron, his Legacy is in his own hands!

Lib Dem's, Democracy and Fairness are not Compatible!
Politics, Clegg, Lib Dem's and the Truth will out!

Politics is a very unforgiving business, reputations destroyed by one simple mistake yet other politicians like Tony Blair, easily one of our worst Prime Ministers, seem to be Teflon Kings but where will David Cameron’s Legacy stand?

The politics of David Cameron is sometimes difficult to fathom but he is truly at a crossroads with a very small window of opportunity, the Cameron Legacy is in his own hands, he could go down as one of Britain’s greatest Prime Ministers or one of its worst and the next 6 months will decide.

David Cameron

So then just how brave is David Cameron, will he become a real Prime Minister or just a failed wimp, it really is in his hands, as it stands Labour is far ahead in the polls, the Lib Dem’s are finished and the Conservatives are being made to look like lost souls!

I feel sorry for both Cameron and Osborne in a way because if it wasn’t for the Euro-Zone Crisis, which was totally unexpected at the time of the 2010 General Election, the economy would have matched his growth forecasts and I believe they are restricted in coping with the Euro-Zone crisis because of the politics of coalition and the Lib Dem’s who are one of the biggest brakes on the UK economy.

If Cameron carries on as he is currently the Conservative Party will go down to a big defeat in 2015 which will leave this country in the hands of the Labour Party, yes the party who got us into this mess will get the chance to completely destroy this country, even if it is a hung parliament it is likely to be a Labour/Lib Dem coalition which will really be the Ministry for silly and dangerous ideas and Cameron in politics will be history.

So what does David Cameron have to do, it is really so very simple and it starts by calling the Lib Dem bluff, just a few pointers:



  1. Announce that he will hold a referendum on the European Union but further than that, it will be a simple IN/OUT referendum and he should announce a fixed date now, say within 3 months after the next general election.
  2. Cameron must announce that all further intrusion into our country from the EU will be stopped until after the referendum which included pending legislation.
  3. Cameron must promise that their will be no massive influx of money from the EU in an attempt to buy our votes, which is the way the EU works, level playing field for all.
  4. Cameron and Osborne must look at easing and in some cases cancelling Employment, Equality and Human Rights law to loosen the beaurocracy on business.
  5. It is ridiculous that in times of high unemployment we actually have a tax on jobs, whilst it can’t be abolished it we should institute a National Insurance holiday for all new employees to smaller companies, say with fewer than 100 employees.
  6. The mooted capital projects should not be sometime in the distant future, Osborne needs to get them started now, apart from valuable jobs this will add much-needed confidence to the economy.
  7. Help must be given to the housing market by easing stamp duty, restore and fix the £250k threshold for the start of stamp duty and make the limit free of stamp duty whatever the price of the house, later on we have to look at the whole structure of stamp duty, get the housing market moving and you get the economy moving.
  8. Reduce the taxation on fuel by 25% to really boost the economy, reduce inflation and instil confidence.
  9. Reinstate and bring forward the new aircraft carriers, planes for the carriers and put on hold any other cuts to the armed forces other than admin/civil service posts 
  10. Drop his support for Gay Marriage, there is no requirement for it, just political correctness and surrender to a minority, important minority but a minority none the less.

    So, how do we pay for all this

  11. The above measures are not exhaustive but they are a start and would give the next general election to the Conservative Party and they are in a large part self financing but
  12. To top up we must cut our foreign Aid budget by at least 50%, this is also essential to cope with the inevitable demise of the Euro-Zone.
  13. Cancel the massive Lib Dem green agenda, we are fighting for survival here not trying to save the planet based on unaffordable dodgy science.
  14. Urgently re-engage with our Commonwealth partners because that is where our future is, not with the undemocratic dictatorship of the European Union.

So, any comments on this, don’t be shy and comment below.

Further Reading

Tories facing loss of support from millions of churchgoers over gay marriage

Stop ‘pussyfooting’ and build London a new airport, Boris Johnson tells David Cameron

Why David Cameron and Nick Clegg could do a deal on state funding for political parties  

Olympic after-glow gives David Cameron a lift as voters reflect feel-good factor

David Cameron to push through cap on care costs



Lib Dem's, Democracy and Fairness are not Compatible!
Politics, Clegg, Lib Dem's and the Truth will out!
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