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Politics, Cameron, Blair a New Special Relationship with Failure !

Politics, Democracy, War and the Outcome of Conflict - Syria!
European Union Voters lose faith in Europe but few want to drop Euro!

Politics, Cameron, Blair, yes there is a common thread, they are both flag pole politicians with no real beliefs, they will just blow in the wind of public opinion which is often driven by small minority groups who represent no-body!

Now it seems that David Cameron is in regular contact and Blair has actually visited Chequers, a meeting that has previously not been disclosed but then politics is a funny game and didn’t Cameron open himself to ridicule by stating I am the heir to Blair, heaven help us!

Politics used to be a cut and thrust business with men and women of beliefs and principle, we knew where we were, love or hate Margaret Thatcher you knew where she stood and then Tony Blair came along who did change the face of British Politics, not for the better. Further reading

Put simply the Blair years were the years of greed and ego which of course led to failure, apart from winning elections practically their only achievement was failure.

Let us remember the Blair years, Tony Blair did win 3 elections, mainly by lies, smoke and mirrors, he also presided over:

  1. An attempt to destroy our constitution by attacking the House of Lords and bringing in the obviously failed devolution which stands a good chance of breaking the union
  2. The attack by Brown on the entire pensions system which at the time was the envy of the world, the UK’s pension setup went from being the envy of the world to the current basket case
  3. Removing the tight regulation of the banks by the Bank of England and setting up a new regulation authority which did not have the experience and essentially did nothing, this was the major fault line which allowed the banks to over stretch themselves, it produced a result where the banks were bankrupt!
  4. 5 Wars, some probably illegal.
  5. The reduction of the visible, reportable national debt, prior to to the 2008 banking crisis but the massive increase in off-balance sheet debt which will haunt the UK for decades.
  6. The creation of the surveillance society, introducing more spy camera’s than in the old Soviet Russia
  7. The ever closer union with the European Union, giving in almost every time in the quest to be liked, nothing to do with the country.
  8. A vast increase in uncontrolled immigration in an attempt to change the very nature of our country.
  9. The rise of the freeby, me me culture within British politics and Blair was the freeby king!
  10. The massive increase in the public sector, way beyond our needs or our ability to pay for it.
  11. A massive increase in GP’s pay to the extent that we now pay our GP’s twice what they are paid in France and they cut their work load in half.
  12. It never ends!

Put simply the Blair years were the years of greed and ego which of course led to failure, apart from winning elections practically their only achievement was failure but of course by the next general election the smoke and mirrors will have worked again and all of the Labour Parties failures will be the fault of the Conservatives!

Tony Blair

There are also rumours that Cameron has not ruled out giving Lord Adonis, who is supposed to be running the Labour industrial strategey, a job but it is Lord Adonis who is the middle man in secret negotiations currently going on between the Lib Dem’s and the Labour Party, talk about double agents, betrayal and deceit!

The centre ground is a myth often moved around to suit politicians, the Lib Dem’s say that they represent the middle ground but if that is right the politics of the middle ground is actually way to the far left, the best way the describe the middle ground of politics is the muddle ground!

It was also reported recently that Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson are trying to make a comeback into British National Politics having regular meetings with senior Labour figures and MP’s, does Cameron really think Blair will help him win the next election?

Whilst I am not a fan of Cameron the thought of Labour back in power does not bear thinking about, it will take two parliaments to sort out their last mess so Cameron is our only hope but he must take on board that politics is, has always been and always will be a dirty business and, along with the country, his party is basically to the right of centre which is where his policies need to be.

The centre ground is a myth often moved around to suit politicians, the Lib Dem’s say that they represent the middle ground but if that is right the politics of the middle ground is actually way to the far left, the best way the describe the middle ground of politics is the muddle ground!

David Cameron has to get his head straight, he is not in any partnership with the failure party(Labour) or any of its previous leaders, he is coalition with a small minority left-wing party(Lib Dem’s) but most importantly he is in coalition with the rest of the Conservative Party and the British people!

Further reading

Why HAS Cameron held EIGHT conversations with Tony Blair (of all people) on how to run the country?


Politics, Democracy, War and the Outcome of Conflict - Syria!
European Union Voters lose faith in Europe but few want to drop Euro!
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