Politics and our choice within UK politics, we have the Labour Party who have ruined the country every time they have been in power, basically bankrupting the country last time and a Lib Dem party only interested in securing permanent power, not for the people but in spite of the people and have shown themselves to be Student Union level politicians totally unsuited to power, politics without accountability!
So within UK politics that just leaves us with UKIP who most closely represent the views of the British people but have yet to make a significant impact in general elections and the Conservative Party who are hogtied by the Lib Dem’s and a leader who is proven to have very poor judgement and is not sure what he believes in, not good!
Both David Cameron and George Osborne are genuine and honest people, brilliant in their own way but for both of them this is probably their first real job, they have never had the fear of redundancy, never run anything, do not understand ordinary people, are useless at presenting policy and have no real beliefs or sense of history, the trouble is that this means they probably do not have the skill set required for their current jobs but there is no alternative, any other party would be disaster! Further reading
Cameron’s choice of important personnel has been appalling, Andy Coulson and Peter Cruddas spring to mind, he has ditched many of the sacred policies which attracted the votes at the last election to appease the Lib Dem’s and in fact he has only behaved anything like a Conservative Prime Minister in 2 situations, on the AV vote and with the European Union veto, later virtually retracted, his U-Turns are simply because he does not know what he believes in and I don’t think he has any sense of History, both essential for a Conservative Prime Minister and for the politics of this country!
Politics and our choice within UK politics, we have the Labour Party who have ruined the country every time they have been in power, basically bankrupting the country last time and a Lib Dem party only interested in securing permanent power, not for the people but in spite of the people.
George Osborne has set this country on the right track by bringing the deficit under control and he has been steadfast but he is losing credibility because he simply has no connection with ordinary people, seems to have no head for the finer detail and poor presentation, the U-Turns he has had to make were basic and should have been ironed out well before the presentation, a sort of laziness for detail.
Lets though not forget that this country would be in a dire state if the politics of this country were in the hands of the Labour Party or a Labour/Lib Dem coalition, think no triple ‘A’ rating, think Greece but Cameron and Osborne are spoiling for themselves and the country by not, apparently, having the ability to see the real picture and in politics that means looking at where the real cuts could be made to cut the deficit without damaging the fabric of our country.
David Cameron and George Osborne are brilliant and decent people who have basically saved this country but they are making it hard for themselves and endangering a future Conservative government after 2015 by simply cutting in the wrong place, just look;
Simply cut out the compensation culture, legislate against it and sort out Human Rights, this alone will save
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#EU, do what they were elected to do and move us towards a trade only agreement, would save £50+billion. Go to: http://t.co/uQz9wYdS
World now is, not probably but is, more dangerous than at any time since and probably including the Cold War! Go to: http://t.co/uQz9wYdS
#Osborne has set this country on the right track by bringing the deficit under control and he has been… Go to: http://t.co/uQz9wYdS
A #Labour Party or a Labour/#Lib_Dem coalition, think no triple ‘A’ rating, think Greece! Go to: http://t.co/uQz9wYdS
Simply cut out the compensation culture, legislate against it and sort out Human Rights, will save £billions Go to: http://t.co/uQz9wYdS
#Tory Party who are hogtied by the Lib_#Dem’s and a leader who is proven to have very poor judgement! Go to: http://t.co/uQz9wYdS
#Cameron and #Osborne are genuine and honest people, brilliant in their own way but for both of them this… Go to: http://t.co/uQz9wYdS
#Lib_Dem party only interested in securing permanent power, not for the people but in spite of the people! Go to: http://t.co/uQz9wYdS
#Labour who have ruined the country every time they have been in power, bankrupting the country last time. Go to: http://t.co/uQz9wYdS