Mick Philpott, without question an evil man who we, as a society, were bankrolling to the tune of £100,000 per year and the left-wing are in panic, a national debate about their precious benefits society is the last thing they want!
Most people on benefits are genuine people enduring hard times and then there are the Mick Philpott’s of this world who give everyone on benefits a bad name and though in the minority, there are a substantial number of people screwing the system!
You wouldn’t believe that Danny Alexandra was a government minister and that George Osborne was his boss by the way he criticised Osborne for daring to say that the Mick Philpott affair opened up a wider debate on the benefits system, of course it opens up the debate, this system devised by the last Labour government-funded Mick Philpott’s lifestyle to the tune of £100,000 per year (68,000 in his hand), is it no wonder that we can’t afford our welfare system – Danny Alexander you are talking rubbish, show some respect for your boss!
Further reading
Then we have Ed Miliband jumping on the bandwagon, he must be the biggest political opportunist of all time, Union controlled, no idea, no principles and will jump on any bike which passes by!
Don’t forget that Ed Miliband was only elected leader of the Labour Party because of the backing of the Unite Trade Union which is now pushing for a general strike supposedly against coalition policies but Unite admit openly that it would be mainly a politically motivated strike which would cripple the country, the only thing Unite are interested in is Union Power.
Ed Balls, no accounting for Ed Balls, has accused George Osborne of ‘playing politics with the Philpott deaths’Â which is utter rubbish, mischievous and politics of the gutter, apart from the fact that it has been suggested that Philpott set the fire to prove that the children’s mother who left him was an unfit mother which would have allowed him to keep the children and the resulting child benefit, Osborne was alluding to a far wider debate which just has to happen but it will be Labours worst nightmare!
George Osborne was simply alluding to the debate about a welfare system that allows some people, and it is very much the minority, to work the system to give them executive pay, Mick Philpott was on £68k per year which equates to a salary of £100k before tax, paid for by you and me.
Personally, particularly taking into account his past history, I would have preferred to have taken the children into care, even if it had cost more, rather than fund Philpott’s lifestyle, we cannot afford not to have limits on welfare payments, it is the only way we can afford to help the people who really need help!
Just like the £26k cap on housing benefit, equivalent to a salary well into the £30k bracket, people on the left are saying people might have to move and how terrible it is, and it maybe but if a family were in work earning in the upper £30k salary they would not be able to afford to spend £26k on housing and would have to move so what is the difference and where is the fairness?
So come on what are your views
- Is George Osborne right to call for a national debate on welfare?
- Is George Osborne right to use the Philpott case as a platform to initiate that debate?
- Do you agree that we have a welfare system which is out of control and need to be railed back?
But what do you think about this story? Have your say by leaving your comments below.
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Whilst we are on the subject of Trade Unions and Unite in particular, see below an interesting snippet from Littlejohn in the Daily Mail which gives food for thought:
Jack was all right, if you like traitors!
This week’s edition of Back To The Future is sponsored by Britain’s biggest union, Unite, which is calling for a general strike to oppose the ‘savage cuts’, it was Unite’s backing, of course, which helped Ed Miliband defeat brother David for the Labour leadership.
The union is the successor to the once-mighty TGWU, famously led by Jack Jones, who at the time was described as the most powerful man in Britain, he had a hotline to Labour ministers and almost unrestricted access to confidential government information.
Appropriately, this week marks the centenary of Jones’s birth, celebrated in his home town of Liverpool by a rally featuring primary school children in 1930s costume carrying trades-union banners, Unite leader Len McCluskey told the rally that Jones was a ‘great man’.
What the children ought to know was that, for decades, Jones was also a KGB agent who sold secrets to the Soviets, so, kiddies, a great man who just happened to be a traitor to his country, including his two million members!
Further reading
George Osborne ‘playing politics’ with Philpott deaths – The Guardian
The GuardianGeorge Osborne ‘playing politics’ with Philpott deathsThe GuardianA coalition rift was blown into the open when the Liberal Democrats condemned George Osborne for “playing politics” with the deaths of six children after the chancellor hig …
Mick Philpott: if welfare’s to blame, so is the army, prison, feminism, TV etc – The Guardian
The GuardianMick Philpott: if welfare’s to blame, so is the army, prison, feminism, TV etcThe GuardianIt’s fairly predictable that Mick Philpott’s extreme perversity and amoralism should be taken up in some quarters as somehow typical and universal, …
Mrs Justice Thirlwall: The one woman Philpott couldn’t defeat – The Independent
The IndependentMrs Justice Thirlwall: The one woman Philpott couldn’t defeatThe IndependentWould Mick Philpott have been a less bleak individual if someone from the Job Centre had appeared by his pillow each morning with a clipboard/truncheon and chi …
Labour has completely lost the plot on Philpott – Telegraph.co.uk (blog)
Labour has completely lost the plot on PhilpottTelegraph.co.uk (blog)That is why I believe George Osborne’s calculated decision to use the shocking and vile crimes of Mick Philpott to advance a political argument is the cynical act of a desperate cha …
Mick Philpott and benefits culture: George Osborne attacked by Labour saying … – Daily Mail
Daily MailMick Philpott and benefits culture: George Osborne attacked by Labour saying …Daily MailThe Prime Minister added: ‘He [Mr Osborne] said the Mr Philpott was the one to blame for his crimes, that he should be held responsible; but what the …
George Osborne ‘cynical’ to link Philpott case with welfare cuts, says Ed Balls – The Guardian
The GuardianGeorge Osborne ‘cynical’ to link Philpott case with welfare cuts, says Ed BallsThe GuardianA judge at Nottingham crown court yesterday gave Philpott a life sentence, for the killing of his children in a house fire, saying he should serve …