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Good Management Development is the secret!

Management and Leadership: What's the difference?
The Management Development of YOUR Employees

Having studied many companies, a large proportion run by accountants, its amazing that for most the top focus is Profits and Costs.

Having studied many companies, a large proportion run by accountants, its amazing that for most the top focus is Profits and Costs. although in retrospect I don’t suppose it should not be a surprise

Companies will never realize their potential if their main focus is on Profit and Costs, for a company to really move forward the top focus must be Customers and Employees and the management development of those employees, if your Customers and Employees are happy and feel valued with a viable career path ahead then Profits and Cost Control will follow but if it’s the other way around full potential is rarely realized.

The trouble is that this is hardly ever understood by accountants, companies should aim to have people who understand the business making the runs and accountants keeping the score!

Management and Leadership: What's the difference?
The Management Development of YOUR Employees
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Personal development - Great Management Development Is The Secret Of A Quality Business!
12/31/2011 12:25 am

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