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European Union, the Single Market and the dawning of reality!

Business, do you REALLY want to start a BUSINESS!
Management Development - Get Your Employees to Make a Decision

European Union, yes, yet another post about the European Union and then I will try to leave it alone for a week, it will be hard, I keep reading that we are on the back foot, isolated and that Cameron’s use of the veto at the European Union Summit last week was a defeat but from where I sit David Cameron has never been in a stronger position, let us hope he does not throw it away as he did after the AV referendum!

So let us look at David Cameron’s position on the subject of the European Union, he has united support throughout his party, his Lib Dem coalition partners cannot block anything he wants to do because to cause a defeat for the coalition would trigger a general election in which the Lib Dem’s would be wiped out and Labour are in dire need of a new leader which they won’t get!

David Cameron has it on a plate but will he use his position wisely or fritter it away as he did after the AV referendum, we will have to wait and see but the outcome will define his premiership!

Phil Baker - Editor

We are now being told daily that the UK is isolated within the European Union and on the back foot, are we, the answer is a resounding NO, we are in exactly the same position we were in before Cameron used the veto but it is a fact that since the introduction of the Euro Europe and the single market has been slipping away slowly away from the UK, although the politicians won’t admit it.

European Union is not just a 2 speed Union but a multi-speed union and the UK is not on any of the speeds because 2 speed or multi-speed imply that every country will eventually arrive at the same destination

Told by our politicians that our place at the table controlling the single market is vital for our future prosperity we are all frightened to say no to the European Union, it is true to say the European Union cannot cope with a no answer, then we hear about the European Union being a 2 speed union insinuating that the UK is in the slower group! The truth is that the European Union is not just a 2 speed Union but a multi-speed union and the UK is not on any of the speeds because 2 speed or multi-speed imply that every country will eventually arrive at the same destination of a United States of Europe with full fiscal and political union and the UK is definitely not aiming for that destination. Bureaucracy while not effecting trade within the single market, makes the single market uncompetitive with the rest of the world, so how can we prepare for what is an inevitable outcome and do we need to be frightened as a nation?

We are now being told daily that the UK is isolated within the European Union and on the back foot, are we, the answer is a resounding NO, we are in exactly the same position we were in before Cameron used the veto

Firstly the Lib Dem’s, Labour and the Europhiles on the Conservative side tell us that if we lose our membership and influence over the single market we will lose thousands of jobs and

Business, do you REALLY want to start a BUSINESS!
Management Development - Get Your Employees to Make a Decision
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