European Union and the continued debate, Boris Johnson thinks David Cameron is immoral over the European Union for supporting ever closer Union for the Euro-Zone but that is the only way the failed Euro-Zone can possibly survive long-term and it is what Germany and France are determined to do, failure of the Euro-Zone would be a world-wide economic disaster!
But European Union debate and amazingly, for two intelligent men, it appears they both agree on something that will never happen as discussed in the article under FURTHER READING below by the Telegraph, interesting that it has taken 4 years for the Telegraph to come to a position that the ‘Its just life’ has held for all that time, so if you want to be out in front this site is the place to be!
One position that both David and Boris agree on, at varying levels, is that Britain should divorce itself from the European Union whilst retaining its influence in the Council of Europe with special reference to influence over the single market but common sense tells anyone that it just won’t happen!
As much as the European Union desperately need Britain to stay as a trading partner, they can’t afford to lose us, they are not going to allow us to withdraw our membership from the rest of the European Union making us much more competitive whilst at the same time allowing us to be a major presence on a sort of One Market Council, they won’t allow us to enjoy the pleasure without enduring the pain.
There is of course actually no place for us in the European Union long-term unless we fully integrate, which will never happen, so to remove ourselves is the only answer but to think that we can get much more than a very good and competitive trade agreement is apple pie but a good solid trade agreement is all we require, I wonder how long before David Cameron and Boris Johnson see the light?Â
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Further reading
Boris Johnson Says David Cameron Is ‘Morally Wrong’ On Europe
Boris Johnson calls for ‘pared down’ EU relationship
Boris shows that Eurosceptics are in a mess