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EU Referendum draws close, it will be very difficult to refuse!

Shariah Law, we cannot rely on Political Correctness to stop it!
European Union unmasked in preparation for ACTION!

EU Referendum – because the only way the euro can survive is if the euro zone becomes, effectively, one country and that frankly has always been the case.

An EU referendum draws closer and I think that David Cameron will find it difficult to refuse, I agree with the current stance of both Cameron and Osborne that the only way the euro can survive is if the euro zone becomes, effectively, one country and that frankly has always been the case.

We must realize though that if the euro zone became one country it would fundamentally change our relationship with the EU and put serious questions against our membership of the EU, for one the major economic decisions would obviously be made within the euro zone but obviously only euro zone members could take part in those decisions and any benefits we derive from the EU would start to vanish!

We must realize though that if the euro zone became one country it would fundamentally change our relationship with the EU and put serious questions against our membership of the EU.

We get precious little benefits from the EU as it is, even though we are potentially their biggest contributor, so we have little to lose by with drawing and everything to gain, the Lib Dem’s and the Unions try to scare us saying we would lose over 3000 jobs because of a loss of trade but that is nonsense, we are the biggest trading partner of many of the EU countries including Germany and our trade is in a massive deficit so they just couldn’t afford to lose us as a trading partner.

If the UK left the EU, we would

  1. Without question get a substantial trade agreement
  2. Get back our fishing rights and our 200 mile limit around UK shores, which will allow us to repair our fish stocks decimated by the Spanish and EU quotas
  3. Save ourselves upwards of
    Shariah Law, we cannot rely on Political Correctness to stop it!
    European Union unmasked in preparation for ACTION!
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Personal development - EU Referendum Brings Close, It Will Be Very Hard To Reject!
01/05/2012 8:31 pm

[…] EU Referendum Brings Close, It Will Be Very Hard To Reject! « The Sad Giving Connected With Pretty Logical ! […]


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