Davis ‘pushed’ May into Election Disaster!
So, according to the new book ‘Betting the House’ by journalists Tim Ross and Tom McTague David Davis bullied Theresa May into calling the 8th June genersl election but was calling the general election the mistake or was the mistake actually what happened afterwards!
but was calling the general election the mistake or was the mistake actually what happened afterwards!
Well did David Davis bully Theresa May into calling the general election, who knows and bully is a strong word but Davis certainly had very good reason to want a quick election.
A larger majority would certainly help the passage of Brexit through Parliament, he needed to put some space between the end of Brexit negotiations and the next general election and strengthen the UK hand in negotiations, added to that the Conservatives had a 20 point lead in the polls so to a lot of people calling the general election was a no brainer, so what went wrong!
Put very simply, the disaster of the election result and the responsibility for it sits firmly and squarely with Theresa May, calling the election was sensible, the oposition were all accusing May of not having a mandate, they couldn’t get their budget through parliament and they looked weak at the negotiating table which the EU would exploit and a 20 point lead in the polls, so what went wrong?
YES the mistake was actually what happened after the election was announced!
The order of disaster:
- Theresa May, like Cameron and Osborne, exibited a zero political antenna and precious little connection and understanding of her own grass roots.
- May refused to take part in the debates which made her look week.
- She was found out, May looked very wooden and robotic, she looked silly at times being pushed out onto the platform to perform like a seal, not a good performance on the stum!
- Theresa May produced probably the worst manifesto in Conservative history, excluding the Chancellor from its production was stupid, after all he essentially has to pay for it and attacking your core vote at the heart of the manifesto sealed the deal, the Conservative support started dropping away immediately the manifesto was released!
- Why on earth did she announce the election date as 8th June, it made the run in far too long, if she had announced the general election on the same day as the local elections, which is the norm, the Conservatives would have got their large majority.
Even with the very poor Conservative Strategy and performance Theresa May still got their biggest share of the vote since probably the 1980s and was, I guess, only a few thousand votes away from a good majority, a good majority thrown away by none other than Theresa May!
But what is keeping Theresa May in a job after such an incompetent perfomance, almost every problem the Conservative Party has is the fault of Theresa May so why is May still in harness?
Dispite her own level of incompetence the Conservative Party is very concerned that a leadership challenge could precipitate another general election and a Labour victory which would be suicide for the country and added that the alternatives in the opposition parties, namely Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Vince Cable, Nicola Sturgion etc. have taken incompetence to an art form, they are actually good at it.
Theresa May, like Cameron and Osborne, exhibited a zero political antenna and precious little connection and understanding of her own grassroots.
So what next, who knows but I cannot see May fighting anymore general elections as leader and my prediction is that she will man up, keep her head down and push through a good Brexit settlement whilst putting together a team to start the production of a stunning manifesto after which May will resign and allow her successor to hold a general election to gain a new mandate and electoral judgement on the Brexit settlement
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Further reading
The final breakdown of the UK General Election 2017