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Climate Change push by Al Gore, but climate change isn’t in question!

Climate Change, the Gravy Train No-One Dare Stop!
Climate Change, is it Man Made or Not, I think Not!

So Al Gore is making a push to convince us about climate change, could it be that he still doesn’t get it or has he just created a massive industry which can’t be halted?

Climate change is happening, that is a fact, nothing new because it has been happening for millions of years, with or without man, or woman for that matter but Al Gore’s push is around man-made climate change and he really does over-estimate man’s ability to change nature.

Al Gore

Al Gore’s push should be towards governments to encourage them to do more to accommodate climate change because we, as sure as hell, can’t stop it, but then Al Gore has based his whole new career around man-made climate change starting with his documentary in 2006 called An Inconvenient Truth which grossed $49 million at the box office! Further reading

the money will have been wasted whereas any money should have been spent on coping with climate change paid for through growing economies not hampered by climate change zealots

It can’t be emphasises more strongly that climate change is happening but the whole thrust of the climate change lobby is that it is man-made and therefore the trust of spending is going towards trying to stop man creating climate change, this will push many economies into recession and at best very slow growth for little effect.

The economy in the UK is virtually stalling and a large part of that is due to current and future green policy for precious little effect because, even if I believed climate change was man-made, the UK total CO2 emmisions only equals 2% of world output, the main culprits being China, India and the USA non of which are going to let their economies falter on the altar of climate change!

Al Gore has based his whole new career around man-made climate change starting with his documentary in 2006 called An Inconvenient Truth which grossed $49 million at the box office!

So you can see if we reduce our emissions by 50% we will only have effected 1% of world output which will probably have been taken up by the big contributors anyway, simply no effect and a severely damaged economy and standard of living. But climate change is not new, it has been happening for millions of years, since the earth was formed, and it will continue until we are consumed by the sun, indeed a recent series of articles indicates that it is the sun which has by far the biggest influence on climate change, even Al Gore cannot control the sun. Further reading At the beginning the earth was uninhabitable, during the Roman occupation the UK had a tropical climate, in the 1700’s the south of England was flooded, during the 1900’s the river Thames used to freeze and it was common to skate on the Thames, you see climate change is happening, no one can deny that and it will continue to happen for the rest of the earth’s existence – we have to decide how to deal with it but we can’t stop it.

But climate change is not new, it has been happening for millions of years, since the earth was formed, and it will continue until we are consumed by the sun

This is not to say we stop looking for greener energy/fuels etc, this again has been happening for years as with unleaded petrol but causing a panic and bankrupting the economy on the altar of green taxes and chasing windmills is a religion for Al Gore and the Lib Dem’s in the UK but it will achieve nothing and the money will have been wasted whereas any money should have been spent on coping with climate change paid for through growing economies not hampered by climate change zealots who actively suppress any alternative argument!

Further reading

Al Gore wants your Twitter Account Gore tweaks Climate Change Nigel Lawson on Climate Change, the age of new unreason A Climate change sceptic fights back An experiment which shows we could be wrong on Climate Change

Common Sense, take a look, it is really good viewing!

Climate Change, the Gravy Train No-One Dare Stop!
Climate Change, is it Man Made or Not, I think Not!
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Climate Change Push By Al Gore, Nevertheless Climate Change Isn’t In Question! | Management
12/12/2011 2:08 pm

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