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Top Business Process Management Tips For Businesses

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Hostgator and our Journey from 1and1, worrying times!

Bitton Avishai SamJan 16, 2014

When it comes to Business Process Management, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Finding the processes that cater to the wants and needs of the clients is a grueling task that not many people look forward to. However, if deployed successfully, the return on interest would be invaluable. Business processes can also be improved in order to increase efficiency, reduce overhead costs, and create a better overall image of the company. But how can this be achieved?

Here are a few tips that can help you to improve success rates and meet the unique needs of your business without it costing a fortune.

Don’t Focus on Perceived Problems

It can be easy to deploy a piece of management software in order to take care of some perceived problem that you believe exists. However, this can end up being more detrimental than you believe. Any Business Process Management project should be used based only on the facts that are presented to you. If issues do arise, it is important that you verify these issues before the project begins. By examining the problem first instead of jumping headfirst into creating a solution, then you can objectively see what needs to be taken care of. Is the problem related to customer complaints, or operational costs? Don’t make a bad situation worse, and strictly stick to the facts.


The Business Process Management Life Cycle

Business process management

Focus on Change, Not Technology

Management software is always being developed to help businesses take care of their issues, but that shouldn’t be the focus of developing a management strategy. The point of Business Process Management is to improve the way people work. Despite all of the convenience that technology brings to the workplace, it shouldn’t be seen as a crutch to take care of every issue that may crop up. Automating a process does not amount to improving it. It should be about changing the mindset of those who are working on projects rather than simply making their work easier or more convenient for that. After all, automating a bad process still makes it a bad process.

Improve, Not Map

Mapping your business management processes on a continuous basis can actually harm the growth of your company. It creates what is called “Paralysis by Analysis”: over analysis of a situation can result in getting nothing accomplished, as the ability to make the right decision becomes too crippling to fathom, resulting in no action being taken. Losing yourself in the mapping process can be easy to do, as you want to ensure that every contingency is covered, but it’s not an effective strategy. Instead, your Business Process Management exercises should be used to improve upon the situation to create a constant state of growth.

Enhance, Not Replace

Your Business Process Management should be used to build upon what you already have. If it’s not broken, there’s no need to fix it. Performing a complete overhaul can result in confusion and having to adapt to an entirely new method, which takes a lot of time and patience. These practices are much more effective if they are used to tweak what you already have and go from there. The only time the process would need to be replaced is if it is entirely useless to begin with or if the business structure is being developed from the ground up. On the other hand, if there only needs to be a reduction in complexity or the minimization of unnecessary delays, then making alterations here and there is a better process in the long run.

End-to-End Examination

Processes should be examined from the beginning to end in order to determine how best it should be improved upon. Mapping each stage will show you where the weak points are, and what can be altered to refine its results. Improving only one stage of the process without examining how it affects the rest will hinder the Business Process Management operation and make it more difficult to implement in the future.

Putting Business Process Management into effect takes time and patience and should never be done as a rush job. Starting small can help to minimize the problems that may arise during the process, and help your business to fully develop into the enterprise it was meant to be.

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