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Business, do you REALLY want to start a BUSINESS!

Malware and Virus Attacks, it really is like a War out in Cyberspace!
European Union, the Single Market and the dawning of reality!

So you want to start a business, really, what sort of business, Internet/Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, Restaurant, Bar, Taxi’s whatever they all have one thing in common, they are all hard work, far harder than working for someone!

Business is really hard, that is right, when you work for someone, come finishing time, you are free to enjoy your time, work doesn’t start again until tomorrow, you can take holidays without worry and your financial security is shared with your employer but work for yourself and it is 24/7 365 days a year, your brain never stops and the responsibility is yours!


Do you really want to start a business

A lot of people start a business thinking it will be easier, give them more freedom and greater financial security and if successful that is exactly what will happen after time but the first years are tough, you will be making a commitment and taking on a workload far greater than you ever thought possible!

This will be a massive committment, not only for you but for your family, did I mention family, your business will be a fully fledged member of you family 24/7 and even years down the road when your business is successful you will always be thinking about ways to improve your business.

Are YOU ready for this, is your FAMILY ready for this, being in business for yourself is tough and will have a major impact on your family, that is one of the many reasons why everyone is not in business but the REWARDS if successful are massive.

If you are single, on your own then it is easier because you can throw yourself 100% at the business but if you have a family then they must be part of your decision because they will be a big part of your success with the business, without their support structure you will not succeed.

So this sounds like a lot of very hard work but what are the rewards, PRIDE, SATISFACTION, FINANCIAL SECURITY, STANDARD of LIVING, the pride in building something that will last for generations and secure your families future, the ability to say I DID THAT!

Don’t let me put you off but also don’t go into a business with blinkers on, starting from scratch it will take many many years of hard work, SUCCESS will give you a sense of ACHIEVEMENT and PRIDE beyond any sensation you have experienced so far in your life, if you have a DREAM and the AMBITION, FAMILY SUPPORT and your HEALTH to follow it through then go for it, it will be hard but very worth the effort.


Further reading

Business Ideas

Low Cost Start-Up Ideas

The Prince’s Trust helps unemployed people 18-30 examine Self-Employment

Home Start-Ups

Malware and Virus Attacks, it really is like a War out in Cyberspace!
European Union, the Single Market and the dawning of reality!
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