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Budget Day Tomorrow, Don’t Worry About The Politics, Just Do It!

A Budget lost in the Politics!
The Politics in Scotland are different, there lies the danger!

Its George Osborne’s day tomorrow, it is budget day and his chance to forget about the politics of the coalition, his chance to make or break the success of the government.

Its George Osborne’s day tomorrow, it is budget day and his chance to forget about the politics of the coalition, his chance to make or break the success of the government, be brave George and note below the area’s you need to hit and hit hard, you need to:

  1. incentivise employers to employ people
  2. get rid of the paperwork and restrictions imposed on us by the EU which hinders employment
  3. bring in tax incentives/grants for the start-up of business and business wanting to expand
  4. get rid of the top rate of tax
  5. freeze any future imposition of green taxes indefinitely
  6. crack down really hard on tax avoidance loopholes
  7. raise tax allowances, particularly lower down the scale
  8. put the threshold for stamp duty up to
    A Budget lost in the Politics!
    The Politics in Scotland are different, there lies the danger!
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Leadership in action » Finances Working Day Tomorrow, Don’t Worry Regarding The Politics, Just Do It!
12/04/2011 1:43 pm

[…] Finances Working Day Tomorrow, Don’t Worry Regarding The Politics, Just Do It! […]

03/24/2011 11:10 am

[…] Budget Day Tomorrow, Don’t Worry About The Politics, Just Do It! […]


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