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AV and the dawning of the real politics of the Lib Dem’s!

I read this morning that David Cameron has warned his senior advisors the they cannot afford to lose the vote on electoral reform.

I read this morning that David Cameron has warned his senior advisors the they cannot afford to lose the vote on electoral reform because it would mean that minority party politicians such as Nick Clegg would effectively choose which party was in power and guarantee permanent power for themselves, the real politics of the Lib Dem’s are beginning to reveal themselves!

I can understand why William Hague appears disinterested and lack lustre, he must be in despair at the madness in allowing the vote in the first place, it will ensure we have to endure permanent coalition, another thing which is probably troubling William Hague is the parties stance on Europe which is now guided by the Euro Fanatic Lib Dem’s and WIlliam Hague is one of the few politicians who is in tune with the British public with regard to Europe.

‘Its just life’ has been banging the drum to head off AV for years but if David Cameron loses the vote then AV will not only plunge this country into the permanent chaos of Proportional Representation, it will also plunge us deeper and deeper into Europe.

Now then Mr Cameron, the fear and loathing for Europe could be used as an effective tool to ensure a NO vote

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